Product Detail



Product NameThiodicarb
CAS No59669-26-0
AppearanceLight brown crystal
Specifications (COA)Assay: 95% min
Water: 1.0% max
Acidity(as H2SO4), %(m/m): 0.5% max
Formulations95% TC, 80% WDG, 75% WP
Prevention objects1.Lepidoptera: American white moth, codling moth, Apple small leaf rollers, corn borer, small sugarcane borer, coffee leaf miner,Soybean Hornarmyworm
2.Coleoptera: Grubs, semanotus bifasciatus, potato beetles,Longicorn beetle
3.Diptera: Apple stoneflies, Hesse Gall Midge
Target cropsSlight phytotoxicity to cotton and sorghum.
Mode of action1.Stomach poison insecticides
2.Contact insecticides: Contact insecticides are toxic to insects upon direct contact.
ToxicityOral Acute oral LD50 for rats 66 (in water), 120 (in corn oil), dogs >800,
monkeys >467 mg/kg. Skin and eye Acute percutaneous LD50 for rabbits
>2000 mg/kg ; slightly irritating to their eyes and skin. Inhalation LC50
(4 h) for rats 0.32 mg /l air.